Everything Must Change

As I planned my tenth year of Starmakers last year I anticipated joyous celebration, performances, workshops with our Alumni and most importantly togetherness. 2020 has just exploded like a bomb and thrown all plans out the window; not just for me, but for everyone. Life as we now know it- is different.

We have lost our space at Gaia. This has caused me so much sadness, it has really begun to feel like home. We had created some very very special work there. I felt we had the chance to dream big at Gaia and really make things happen.

I then found out- lots of spaces aren’t opening at all. Delabole Methodist Church (our original space) won’t be opening until further notice. This turned my sadness to stress. Could this be it for Starmakers? Luckily we have been taken in by Cleese Hall. This does mean time and day changes to all classes; which ultimately might not work for all… but it’s all I now have.

The Covid Rules means I’ll essentially be working with reduced numbers and reduced classes, plus all my rates have gone up. For this reason I am going to have to be stricter with bookings and payments (as all my costs are fixed). I will also have to run classes to their capacity, so if numbers drop, the class may no longer be viable.

For this reason I’m doing a slightly delayed start (second week of term). I’d like the kids to all have a chance to settle at school (mine included), and give you parents a chance to have a proper look at the new timetable before committing.

Any questions- please do private message me - I will endeavour to get back to you ASAP!