Spring Newsletter 2019

Happy New Year! And I hope you all had a fantastic break; relaxed and enjoyed some family time!

Now we have lots of work to do!

Every week all cast are needed 9:30am-2pm

Please bring in all costumes and props from next week (12th January).

Show Dates NB- these have changed due to Camelford Hall commitments. This has delayed the posters which went to print- so huge apologies. These will go out next Saturday then we need to sell sell sell those tickets!

 Dress Rehearsal 

Sunday 27th January Camelford Hall 10am - 4pm NB - this will be an additional Class fee just to cover hall fees (I've not included this in terms Fees).

 Friday 1st Feb; 6pm

Saturday 2nd Feb . Matinee 1pm Evening Show 6:30pm

Sunday 3rd February 1pm 


 All blacks please- leggings and long sleeved tops preferred. These will be you base for underneath the Customers also/ for being the body of the dragon.

 Can you please bring in a bike helmet- clearly label your name inside. We will use these to make your heads.

 I'm hoping to find rope for tails- donations gratefully received.


All blacks please- leggings and long sleeved tops preferred.

 Please can you sew on your own tails- black tights.

 I have ears and cuffs.

 Dame/ Fairy and Sir Gary

Kimberly is helping with these hopefully first week back.

All other cast should have something.



Volunteer Sheet.       Name: 


Please circle jobs if you are able to help out! All help HUGELY needed and warmly received. Please return your slip so I can get an idea of numbers.


Tickets on the Door

Interval teas, coffees, and cakes.

Raffle prize donations

Get in/ Get out (Rigging set etc)

Programme Design/ Business Adverts